Today we have been looking at rewards and consequences. The children worked together so well to design their games on this theme. This class has certainly embraced the concept of collaborative learning. They presented their games to the class, including the rewards and consequences rules.

5B in Orbit

 We've had lots of fun again with our space topic! We took the learning outside to make a human orbiting model! The children made the orbit pathway for the Earth and we looked at how our planet and the Moon orbit and rotate. The children were fascinated to hear that the Moon always faces the Earth with the same side on show and the practical learning really helped to make that clear.

Fifty Things - Cloud Spotting

 This morning, the children have had lots of fun doing cloud spotting activities. There were plenty of fluffy cumulus clouds today, so the children looked for shapes and pictures. They noticed so many different ones, but the oddest had to be a monkey riding a bicycle!

Look out for other weird and wacky things in the future!

Our Solar System


We have had lots of fun today, and taken our learning outside. We made a scaled representation of the solar system to help our understanding of the relative distances between the planets. We found that the distances between the outer gas giants were much greater than the inner, rocky planets.

Separately, look out for Jupiter on a clear night. It can be seen at the moment by facing south and it is the bright 'star-like' light above the horizon. If you have a strong pair of binoculars, or a small telescope, you may be able to make out its four larger moons. To the right, you should be able to see Saturn, though this is much fainter. 

Big Writing

 It's great to get back to our Big Writing. The children were so excited to do their first extended piece. From now on, this will be done fortnightly.

Spread Your Wings

 Thank you year five for a marvellous year of fun and learning. We have had so much fun and you have many great memories to take away to you...